Brunton otoscope transportation case
A pair of large and small “London Dome” passive type ear trumpet – made from the 1880’s until relatively recent times. Sizes are small = 50mm x 40mm
large = 90mmx50mm while even larger models were produced.
Made from 1890’s onwards. Materials such as brass, silver, wood and copper were used.
National Acoustics Laboratory
“Body style Hearing Aid” supplied to Australian pensioners
Used to amplify sounds from 1890’s – 1930’s. (later in some countries) Silk thread around the rubber tapered tube. Came in a variety of lengths.
National otoscope
National otoscope made for medical inspection of the ear canal and associated parts. c-1915 – c1940. Used in the armed forces and others.
Brunto otoscope or auroscope was used for observation and surgery of middle ears and ear drum. Made from c.1860s – c.1930’s
Commonwealth of Australia
Body Aids supplied to pensioners and returned servicemen and women
“London Dome” type ear trumpet made from the 1880’s until relatively recent times.